I am trying to stand up, but they are pushing me down.

I am trying to speak up, but they are not listening.

I am trying to reach out, but they move further away.

I look at the sky, but I don’t see the light.

There is a lot of noise, but I don’t hear a thing.

Only the voice.

 The voice that will take me away.

Away, where beauty is inside.

Where kindness and love are unconditional.

Where the weight is off my shoulders.

Where the light can shine again.

I didn’t ask for this to happen.

I didn’t ask to be here.

You told me I was your little star.

I think we all are like stars.

*Sometimes something happens and we burst open;

when we do so we might think we are dying,

but we’re actually turning into a supernova.

And then when we look at ourselves again,

we see that we’re suddenly more beautiful than we ever were.*


I am not from this planet.

I am from far away.

Away, where beauty is inside.

Where kindness and love are unconditional.

(The words between * are part of a quote from C. JoyBell C.)

(A small text I created for a short film idea I started working on.

For some reasons I thought it would fit here)




those mornings...